Saturday 2 January 2016


Happy New Year!
Welcome 2016♡

No matter how hard the time could get,
in the end of the day, I always get to experience and feel someone's kindness.
It always makes everything I go through a day worth it.

I have been feeling this over the past number of years.


I was back home for the New Years.

I wouldn't make this simply my diary of New Years,
I would rather want to track the color of the sky and water I have seen over the 2 days.

Hello a stretching man!

I liked his silhouette though, personally.
He might have felt really awkward having someone taking photos of him stretching for...
good 20 minutes.

First sunset of the year♡
I fell deep in love♡

Super early in the morning.
It was simply amazing.

It's like the time everything starts moving, getting back to a life.
It is the time of dawn when the sky is too bright for the stars to shine but too dark for the moon not to glow.

2nd of January 2016,
it was so warm and comfortable standing on the mountain.

The sunrise was a sheer grace and it did promise me a soft, tender year full of love and warmth.

And that got me totally determined,
to... this year, I will turn off my phone and chuck it in the drawer on the weekends.
It is written as a definition of "Day off" in the dictionary too.

I don't feel like anything has ended and started all over.
I would say... R.I.P. 2015, I needed you once, but I left you to move on.

2016 is like a stable boyfriend to me ( I know nothing about it yes ).
But I got this feeling that it will be flowing smoothly through the history
after having the most dramatic year - 2015... well it's just my feeling, though.

What a warm beginning of the year.
I might write "throw back to new years day" diary sometime later this year.

But for now, happy new year and I wish all of your 2016 be full of love and blessings.
Love, so much love.

Anna Kirishima

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